In Splynx, to eliminate financial errors and delays caused by manual processes, you can configure finance automation in Config → Finance → Automation
These settings are global and affect all customers.
Enable automatic issuing - enables/disables automatic issuing of Invoices, Transactions and Proforma Invoices;
Confirmation period (days) - set the period in days for automatic confirmation of invoices/invoice batches to execute their automatic issuing. The values for choosing the confirmation days are: 0
, 3
, 5
, 10
, 15
, 20
, 25
, 30
, and Last day of the month
Confirmation time - set the time for automatic confirmation of invoices/invoice batches to execute their automatic issuing. The values for choosing the confirmation time are from 9:00 am
to 10:00 pm
If you don't confirm the generated invoices during the confirmation period (by default
days), the invoices will be auto-generated the next day at the selected time (10:00 pm by default).
If 0 days is selected, invoices will be generated on the day of the preview, at the selected time.
If the billing day is the first day of the month and you use the default 3 days as your confirmation period, the invoices which are not manually confirmed will be auto-generated on the 4th day of the month at the selected time (10:00 pm by default).
days).The billing day is the 6th, the confirmation period is 3 days and the preview should be generated 5 days before billing day. So, using the 5
days value, the preview will be generated on the 1st day and the invoices which are not confirmed will be auto-generated on the 4th day.
billing day
or real date of issuing
.The billing day is on 1st day of the month and you have set 3 days as a confirmation period. In this case, the invoice will be dated according to the billing day regardless of confirmation days or the real date of issuing - maximum on the 4th day of the month (if you don't confirm the preview, invoices will be auto-generated the next day).
Dashboard notification - enable/disable the notification on the Dashboard about the confirmation of invoices on the day of billing;
Block customers on weekends - enables/disables the processing of Billing Due
and Deactivation period
on weekends;
Block customers on holidays - enables/disables the processing of Billing Due
and Deactivation period
on holidays. Navigate to Config → Main → Localization
to set up the holiday list;
Generate separate preview per partner - preview will be generated separately for each partner;
Show previously generated preview version - if the toggle is enabled, an existing preview will be shown; if the toggle is disabled, a new preview will be created while the recurring invoice is generated.
Enable processing of blocking period - enable/disable blocking of customers on the blocking period date if their deposit is less than the minimum balance;
Blocking time - specify the time at which customers will be blocked and their services will be disabled;
Enable processing of deactivation period - enable/disable the setting of recurring customers to an Inactive status on the the Deactivation period
date if their balance is less than the minimum balance;
Enable processing of deactivation period for prepaid customers - set the prepaid customers' services as Stopped status when the Deactivation period
date is reached;
Block customers by one time invoices - process blocking of customers by one time invoices (if the customer failed to pay their one time invoice by the blocking period date);
Block customers on weekends - enable to process blocking period and deactivation period at weekends;
Block customers on holidays - enable to process blocking period and deactivation period at holidays.
To set up weekends and holidays, please go to Config → Main → Localization.
If a service is disabled and the customer is not active but the service has a static IP address configured, we can automatically clear the IP address of this service to make this IP available in the pool again.
Enable removing IPs for disabled services - enables/disables auto removing the IP addresses for disabled services;
Period (months) - if a service is disabled for more than the specified period in months (by default 12
), the service will be archived and its IP address and login will be freed up. The available values are from 1
to 24