We strongly advise against using Adminer on your own because the changes made in this tool are permanent and can damage your system if something is done incorrectly.
The data can be lost if anything is deleted while using this tool and changes to sensitive data can corrupt the database completely.
The Splynx team is not responsible for any changes you make to the database using this tool.
Adminer - is a full-featured database management tool used to access your Splynx server database. We use the fork of the official tool which is adopted to the Splynx requirements.
All data on your server can be accessed and operated with Adminer. This is our method of accessing your database to resolve any changes/errors that may occur or may be inexplicable from the information displayed in the GUI of your Splynx server.
Adminer is integrated into Splynx as an add-on. To install it, open Config → Integrations → Add-ons
, find splynx-adminer
item and click on the Install icon:
Navigate to Config → Tools
and click on Adminer button, the tool GUI will be opened in a new tab of your browser with the request to enter your administrative password:
Type your password and press Confirm button. After that you can start working with the tool:
, the attempt will be blocked. In most cases, it's your production database and you can lose all your data;Administration → Logs → Operations