Follow these instructions to troubleshoot problems with TR-069 (ACS):
Make sure that the device is accessible from Splynx server. Use tools like ping or traceroute to doublecheck;
Pay attention to the IP restrictions. The requests can be sent only from IPs/networks allowed in this list:
Make sure that CWMP URL
, username
and password
that were configured under TR-069 client on a device are correct and ports 7547
, 7567
are opened;
Try to disable firewall on the device to ensure that it's not a firewall issue;
In case of using HTTPS
, try to disable option SSL enabled by default
, and use CWMP URL
like instead of https at the beginning.
Restart GenieACS services using this command: sudo service genieacs* restart
If you are using HTTPS/SSL (Let's encrypt) on your Splynx server you can get an error about SSL, asking for the local certificate. In this case you need to run 2 commands in Mikrotik terminal:
/tool fetch
/certificate import file-name=isrgrootx1.pem passphrase="
/certificate remove trustid-x3-root.pem.txt_0
Make sure that device is accessible from Splynx server. Use tools like ping or traceroute to doublecheck;
Pay attention to the IP restrictions. The requests can be sent only from IPs/networks allowed in this list:
To enable logs:
sudo nano /var/www/splynx/system/genieacs/genieacs.env
And insert these lines below of the existed ones:
And restart ACS services:
php /var/www/splynx/system/script/dev acs-restart
The logs can be found in:
Splynx uses the default timeout 30m to check if the version on the device is up to date after the update/upgrade process has been performed. .
To reduce this time out, open your splynx
database in Adminer, find the table acs_upgrade_records
, press edit on your device record and in the last_try_datetime
field change the time value back to one hour.
For example: the current value is - 2021-09-03 15:50:24
, it should be changed to 2021-09-03 14:50:24
Then press Save button. And run the following command in Terminal:
php system/script/cron five-minutely
Double check the device status in Networking → TR-069 (ACS) → Upgrade → View ACS upgrade batch
, the table Devices for upgrade.
NOTE: Make sure you’re using Node.js v12 or higher on your server:
node --version
To install Node.js v12 use the following commands in Terminal:
sudo apt update && sudo apt -y upgrade
sudo apt -y install curl dirmngr apt-transport-https lsb-release ca-certificates
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt -y install nodejs
To install GenieACS use the next commands:
sudo su
curl -s | apt-key add -
echo 'deb splynx splynx3_1' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/splynx_3_1.list
apt update
apt install splynx-genieacs
cd /var/www/splynx/system/nodejs/
npm i
If the error occurs, it's required to install mongodb-server
manually and try to install splynx-genieacs
After that, add these lines to /etc/sudoers.d/splynx
file (after OpenVPN tools block)
sudo nano /etc/sudoers.d/splynx
# Splynx ACS tools
splynx ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: SETENV: /var/www/splynx/system/script/tools acs *
and save changes.
Restart services:
sudo service splynx_transport restart && sudo service splynx_node restart
If the password for an admin account has been changed and you cannot recall it, you can add a new user account to the GenieACS server to be able to log in.
Just follow with this step-by-step instructions:
use genieacs
db.users.insert({ "_id" : "new", "roles" : "admin", "password" : "86aebaa124d7ad917ac9bb8d8aedada1a065c045b02a99c873fe2028c6814421002b2c759d47f4501acc3759746bdca77693de63f4579351394f3ca892b6b7c41ee14894a57f30208946a09382504f6397be43724a5233cd666026e1a3a2f0736f3aceb2b2b9728e52aa6b5d9e636a025ea55bcd092bcc32194c94f799fa4ad9", "salt" : "45280c26e6a8fbabefa35d6fbee9da0c37189193aff2ea1d9d0bcb341244d2c8ccccbeef595fcb0a8f49e9c0030bd3fb834876a66f750ba68a3befc6922c9b11" })
Then, type exit
to log out of the database:
A new user account will be added on the GenieACS server:
Config → Networking → TR-069 (ACS)
and click on the link next to the UI section - https://splynx_url:3000/
. Use the credentials from the UI section to connect to ACS server:If you forget your UI Password, use the Adminer tool to check the ui_password
value in splynx
database. Also, you can just type a new UI Password on Config → Networking → TR-069 (ACS)
On the GenieACS page, navigate to Users section to change the password for your current user: