To configure Monitoring, navigate to Config → Networking → Monitoring
Here, you will be presented with a list of vendors. You can add/edit or remove vendors using the provided buttons. To add a new vendor, click on the +
button at the right top corner of the table.
Here, you will be presented with a list of device types. To add a new device type, click on the +
Here, you will be presented with a list of groups for monitoring notifications. To edit existing groups, click on the edit button and to add a new group, click on the +
Let's add a new group called "Tech", with the following parameters:
Parameter descriptions:
Group - name of the group;
Delay time for notification - if the device does not change its status during this delay (in minutes), a notification will be sent;
Administrators for notifications - select the administrators for this group who will receive notifications;
Notifications to Splynx portal - enables/disables notifications on the Splynx admin portal when an admin is online;
Notifications to email - send notifications via email;
Notification email subject - indicate the subject for the email notification;
Notification email template - select the template of email notification;
Notifications via SMS - send SMS notifications;
Notification SMS template - select the template of SMS notification;
Select an SSH timeout for monitoring backups.