In this section, we can configure our scheduling notifications.
Navigate to Config → Scheduling → Notifications:
Enable "on assign" notifications - enables/disables notifications when tasks are assigned/reassigned;
Send to - select how notification will be sent, via email, SMS or email + SMS;
Email template - select the template to use for the for email notification;
SMS template - select the template to use for the SMS notification.
Change project notifications - enables/disables sending of notifications when a project has been changed;
Change partner notifications - enables/disables sending of notifications when the project partner has been changed;
Change related task notifications - enables/disables sending of notifications when related tasks has been changed;
Change related service notifications - enables/disables sending of notifications when related service has been changed;
Change priority notifications - enables/disables sending of notifications when the priority has been changed;
Status change notifications - enables/disables sending of notifications when the status has been changed;
Information change notifications - enables/disables sending of notifications when information has been changed;
"Is scheduled" notification - enables/disables sending of notifications when a task is scheduled;
Customer added/changed notification - enables/disables sending of notifications when customer changed/added a task;
Send to - select how notifications will be sent, via email, SMS or email + SMS;
Email template - select the template for the email notification;
SMS template - select the template for the SMS notification.
Enable 'Add comment' notifications - enables/disables sending of notifications when comments are added;
Enable 'Edit comment' notifications - enables/disables sending of notifications when comments are edited;
Enable 'Delete comment' notifications - enables/disables sending of notifications when a comment is removed;
Send to - select how notifications will be sent, via email, SMS or email + SMS;
Email template - select the template for the email notification;
SMS template - select the template for the SMS notification.
Enable 'Add attachment' notifications - enables/disables sending of notifications when attachments are added;
Enable 'Delete attachment' notifications - enables/disables sending of notifications when an attachment is removed;
Send to - select how notifications will be sent, via email, SMS or email + SMS;
Email template - select the template for the email notification;
SMS template - select the template for the SMS notification.
Enable 'worklog' notifications - enables/disables sending of worklog notifications;
Send to - select how notifications will be sent, via email, SMS or email + SMS;
Email template - select the template for the email notification;
SMS template - select the template for the SMS notification.
Enable 'Add checklist item' notifications - enables/disables sending of notifications when an item is added to the checklist;
Enable 'Delete checklist item' notifications - enables/disables sending of notifications when an item has been removed from the checklist;
Enable 'Check checklist item' notifications - enables/disables sending of notifications when an item has been marked in the checklist;
Enable 'Uncheck checklist item' notifications - enables/disables sending of notifications when an item has been unmarked in the checklist;
Send to - select how notifications will be sent, via email, SMS or email + SMS;
Email template - select the template for the email notification;
SMS template - select the template for the SMS notification.
Enable reminder notifications - enables/disables sending of reminder notifications;
Send before - set the amount of time before sending the notifications (before the scheduled time);
Send to - select how notifications will be sent, via email, SMS or email + SMS;
Email template - select the template for the email notification;
SMS template - select the template for the SMS notification.
Enable daily digest - enables/disables sending of daily notifications about tasks;
Send at - set at what time to send notifications;
Template - select the template for the notification.
All templates can be found under Config → System → Templates
Email templates for scheduling:
SMS templates for scheduling: