We've developed stock locations to add your warehouses where equipment (inventory items) is stored.
Config → Inventory → Stock locations:
This section is an easy-to-use list of available warehouses.
"Main" is a default location and it cannot be removed, however it can be renamed.
To add a new stock location, simply click on the +
button. In the new window, enter the location name and its type:
Stock locations are used to identify where inventory items are stored.
Navigate to Inventory → Items:
Stock locations can be selected for each item in the inventory. Also, a whole list of items can be sorted by stock location, simply select the desired location in the "Stock location" drop-down list.
You can create additional fields for the Stock locations config. To do this, go to Config → System → Additional fields
and select the 'Stock Locations' module at the top right corner of the page. Fill in the necessary fields and enable the desired options. Then click on Add
After this, the additional field will appear when creating a new stock location:
To display it in the table, click the breadcrumbs button and enable the column:
To learn more, please read the following articles: