- System language - select the system language.

- Date format - select the date format which will be used in the system;
- Online time format - select the online time format;
- Time format - select the type time format (12 or 24 hours);
- Show seconds - enables/disables displaying of seconds;
- Decimal places - specify the number of digits to display after the separator;
- Decimal separator - select a separator;
- Thousands separator - select a separator for thousands (if needed);
- First day of the week - select the first day of the week;
- Start of working hours - specify the start of your working hours;
- End of working hours - specify the end of your working hours;
- Weekends - select the weekends.

- Currency - select a preferred currency;
- Currency symbol - specify the currency symbol;
- Currency display option - specify where to display the currency symbol;
- System "tax" naming convention - specify the tax name relevant to your country;
- Decimal places - select decimal places if needed from 0 to 4;
- Decimal places (for Voice) - select decimal places for voice plans if needed;
- Decimal separator - select a decimal separator (. , );
- Thousands separator - select a separator for thousands if needed (, . ');
- Finance rounding -"Round each item" will round each individual transaction and then add them together to formulate the total. "Round total" will add all transactions unrounded and then round the total amount at the end.
- Invert account balance - enable/disable displaying the inverted customer's account balance in customer's information & billing sections.

- Statistic usage unit - select a unit to display network statistics in, MB or GB;
- Decimal places - select the statistic usage decimals;
- Decimal separator - select a statistic usage decimal separator;
- Thousands separator - select a statistic usage thousands separator.
Here, you can specify file name patterns for invoices, payment receipts, credit notes, proforma invoices, and quotes issued in PDF format:

You can set up an individual holiday list in this section.

Then you will be able to consider the dates of these holidays in billing.

Please read Finance automation to learn more.