In Config → Networking → Radius, we will find a field available for setting additional attributes.
Some attributes are configured by default, such as Framed-IP, Framed-Route and Auth-Type.
We can use a lot of variables from within Splynx
Most of these values can be changed on the configuration of Tariff plans within Splynx
Variable | Value | Comment |
{{ rx_burst_rate }} | rx_rate_limit * (100 + tariff.burst_limit) / 100 | FUP rule is applied (if it is active) |
{{ rx_burst_threshold }} | rx_rate_limit * tariff.burst_threshold / 100 | FUP rule is applied (if it is active) |
{{ rx_rate_limit }} | Download speed. In bit/s | FUP rule is applied (if it is active) |
{{ rx_rate_min }} | rx_rate_limit * tariff.speed_limit_at / 100 | FUP rule is applied (if it is active) |
{{ tariff.service_name }} | Service name | |
{{ tariff.title }} | Title | |
{{ tx_burst_rate }} | tx_rate_limit * (100 + tariff.burst_limit) / 100 | FUP rule is applied (if it is active) |
{{ tx_burst_threshold }} | tx_rate_limit * tariff.burst_threshold / 100 | FUP rule is applied (if it is active) |
{{ tx_rate_limit }} | Upload speed. In bit/s | FUP rule is applied (if it is active) |
{{ tx_rate_min }} | tx_rate_limit * tariff.speed_limit_at / 100 | FUP rule is applied (if it is active) |
{{ tariff.aggregation }} | Aggregation | |
{{ tariff.burst_limit }} | Burst limit. In % | |
{{ tariff.burst_threshold }} | Burst threshold. In % | |
{{ tariff.burst_time }} {{ burst_time }} | Burst time. In sec | Two variables have the same value |
{{ }} {{ tariff_id }} | ID number of Tariff plan | Two variables have the same value |
{{ tariff.mikrotik_priority }} {{ mikrotik_priority }} | 1 - if tariff.priority is 'high', 5 - if tariff.priority is 'normal', 8 - if tariff.priority is 'low' | Two variables have the same value |
{{ tariff.price }} | Tariff price | |
{{ tariff.priority }} {{ priority }} | Priority. Can be 'low', 'normal' or 'high' | Two variables have the same value |
{{ tariff.speed_download }} | Download speed. In kbit/s | ![]() |
{{ tariff.speed_limit_at }} | Guaranteed speed limit at. In % | |
{{ tariff.speed_upload }} | Upload speed. In kbit/s | ![]() |
{{ tariff.tariffs_for_change }} | ID numbers of Tariff plans, to which you can change | Comma separated |
{{ tariff.vat_percent }} | VAT percent | |
{{ tariff.with_vat }} | 0 - VAT is not included in the price, 1 - VAT is included in the price" |
Most of these values can be changed in Customers → List → Customer → Services
Variable | Value | Comment |
{{ }} | ID number of service | |
{{ service.customer_id }} | ID number of customer | |
{{ service.tariff_id }} | ID number of Tariff plan | The same value as and tariff_id (See tariff section) |
{{ service.bundle_service_id }} | ID number of Bundle service | |
{{ service.description }} | Description | |
{{ service.quantity }} | Quantity | |
{{ service.unit }} | Unit | |
{{ service.unit_price }} | Service price | ![]() |
{{ service.start_date }} | Start date (yyyy-mm-dd) | |
{{ service.end_date }} | End date (yyyy-mm-dd) | |
{{ }} | 0 - Discount disabled, 1 - Discount enabled | |
{{ service.discount_percent }} | Discount percent | |
{{ service.discount_start_date }} | Discount start date (yyyy-mm-dd) | |
{{ service.discount_end_date }} | Discount end date (yyyy-mm-dd) | |
{{ service.discount_text }} | Discount text | |
{{ service.login }} | Login | |
{{ service.password }} | Empty string | ![]() |
{{ service.mac }} | MAC | |
{{ service.port_id }} | Port ID | |
{{ service.router_id }} | ID number or Router | |
{{ service.sector_id }} | ID number of Router's sector | |
{{ service.taking_ipv4 }} | 0 - if Taking IPv4 is 'None', 1 - if Taking IPv4 is 'Permanent IP', 2 - if Taking IPv4 is 'Dynamic IP' | |
{{ service.ipv4_pool_id }} | ID number of IPv4 Network. Can be used when Taking IPv4 = 'Dynamic IP': 0 - if Taking IPv4 is 'None' or 'Permanent IP' | |
{{ service.ipv4 }} | IP address. Can be used when Taking IPv4 = 'Permanent IP'. Empty string - if Taking IPv4 is 'None' or 'Dynamic IP' | |
{{ service.ipv4_route }} | Additional network | |
{{ service.taking_ipv6 }} | 0 - if Taking IPv6 is 'None', 1 - if Taking IPv6 is 'Permanent IP', 2 - if Taking IPv6 is 'Dynamic IP' | |
{{ service.ipv6 }} | IP address. Can be used when Taking IPv6 = 'Permanent IP'. Empty string - if Taking IPv6 is 'None' or 'Dynamic IP' | |
{{ service.ipv6_pool_id }} | ID number of IPv6 Network. Can be used when Taking IPv6 = 'Dynamic IP': 0 - if Taking IPv6 is 'None' or 'Permanent IP' | |
{{ service.ipv6_delegated }} | Delegated IPv6 networks |
Customer information description
Variable | Value | Comment |
{{ }} | ID number of customer | |
{{ customer.billing_type }} | Billing type 'prepaid' or 'prepaid_monthly' or 'recurring' | |
{{ customer.partner_id }} | ID number of Partner | |
{{ customer.location_id }} | ID number of Location | |
{{ customer.added_by }} | Login of Admin who added this customer | |
{{ customer.added_by_id }} | ID number of Admin who added this customer | |
{{ customer.login }} | Login to customers' portal | ![]() |
{{ customer.password }} | Password to customers' portal | ![]() |
{{ customer.category }} | Category 'person' or 'company' | |
{{ }} | Full name | |
{{ }} | Phone number | |
{{ customer.street_1 }} | Street | |
{{ customer.zip_code }} | ZIP | |
{{ }} | City | |
{{ customer.date_add }} | Date added (yyyy-mm-dd) |
Most of these values can be changed on the configuration of Tariff plans within Splynx
Variable | Value | Comment |
{{ fup_compiled.service_id }} | ID number of service | The same value as (See service section) |
{{ fup_compiled.traffic_accounting }} | 0 - if traffic accounting disabled, 1 - if traffic accounting enabled | |
{{ fup_compiled.time_accounting }} | 0 - if time accounting disabled, 1 - if time accounting enabled | |
{{ fup_compiled.is_hard }} | 1 - if the amount of traffic used this month exceeds the Monthly limit, 0 - otherwise |
These values are empty if no FUP rule is applied
Variable | Value |
{{ rule_name }} | Name of FUP rule applied 'EMPTY' if CAP rule applied |
{{ rule.percent }} | Speed decrease percent |
There are also 4 arrays of additional fields:
These values can be utilized in the following format:
{{ array_name.field_name }}
Additional fields have configuration fields available for the name and title of the additional within Splynx. We use the name field and not the title field.
For example, we can create an additional field for a customer called 'my_field'. The format of the values for doing this would be as follows:
{{ customer_attributes.my_field }}
We use Twig engine within Splynx. Therefore, all it's capabilities are available for your use.
Basic mathematical operations (+ - * /)
Example: Mikrotik-Rate-Limit = {{ tx_rate_limit / 1000 }}
Result: Mikrotik-Rate-Limit = 10 (assume that tx_rate_limit=10000)
Attributes combination
Example: Mikrotik-Rate-Limit = {{ rx_rate_limit }}/{{ tx_rate_limit }} {{ rx_burst_rate }}/{{ tx_burst_rate }} {{ rx_burst_threshold }}/{{ tx_burst_threshold }} {{ burst_time }}/{{ burst_time }} {{ mikrotik_priority }} {{ rx_rate_min }}/{{ tx_rate_min }}
Result: Mikrotik-Rate-Limit = 5000/90000 20000/360000 1400/25200 93/93 8 6350/114300
Twig filters*
Example: Mikrotik-Address-List = {{ tariff.title | upper }}
Result: Mikrotik-Address-List = TARIFF (assume that tariff.title = 'tariff')
* in addition to default Twig filters one more filter can be used - dec2hex (dec2hex(4))
{% if service_attributes.adrlist is not empty %}
Mikrotik-Address-List = {{ service_attributes.adrlist }}
Result: Radius attribute Mikrotik-Address-List will be sent to the router, only if the internet service's additional attribute with the name adrlist is not empty.
We can assign IP from a specific pool to DHCP customers using the RADIUS attribute Framed-Pool:
The route will assign IP from dhcp pool:
This example is quite simple because then Splynx will setup the same pool IPs to all customers.
We can reconfigure the previous example a bit to get the IP pool name from the additional field.
Firstly, we need to add the additional field to the Internet services within Splynx, called 'Router address pool':
Then we can define the IP pool in the customer's services:
Thereafter, we can assign the value of the additional field to the RADIUS attributes:
Framed-Pool = {{ service_attributes.router_pool }}
It is possible to check that the parameter exists by sending it in the radius reply. If the field is empty within Splynx, it will not be sent in the radius reply:
{% if service_attributes.router_pool is not empty %}
Framed-Pool = {{ service_attributes.router_pool }}
{% endif %}
Address-List depending on Tariff plan settings
Let's add an additional field to Internet plans named "WAN":
Navigate to Config → Networking → Radius.
Load the Nas Type: Mikrotik
Add the following in the text box for Rate-Limit attributes:
Mikrotik-Address-List = {{ tariff_attributes.wan }}
It is a good practice to add the same value to the FUP CoA Rate-Limit attributes, FUP CoA Restore attributes, CoA Restore attributes fields.
The result should be:
After reconnecting, the customer should be added to address-list wan1, or wan2 depending on the plan settings.
Custom IP address
This example illustrates how to assign any IP address to a customer's device. You do not have to add IPv4 networks to Splynx in this scenario.
Navigate to Config → Networking → Radius.
Load the Nas Type: Mikrotik
Add the following in the text box for Rate-Limit attributes:
Framed-IP-Address = {{ service_attributes.ip }}
Where "ip" is the name of the additional field that we have added in the first step.
In this case, the custom IP address overrides the IP address that is chosen in Splynx.
If the custom IP address is not entered, the IP address will be set to !
If you only want to override IP addresses when a custom IP address is entered (is not empty), add the following lines to the Rate-Limit attributes:
{% if service_attributes.ip is not empty %}
Framed-IP-Address = {{ service_attributes.ip }}
{% endif %}